Intimate Call Manger - Queue Board for Inbound Call Centre Solution  

Some businesses may not know how to manage their calls in call centre and don't know what can be done to improve the management in call centers,

as calls are always missed, but no one knows how many inbound calls are missed, leading to customers dissatisfaction. The whole working atmosphere

is not healthy. To completely change this situation and improve your call center business to another level, Queue Board would be your

best partner.


Queue Board is a board that uses in a call center (Call Centre Management) to enhance call performances, it is also user-friendly. Showing per queue groups' 

real-time information, including calls in queue, answered calls, abandoned calls, average hold time, average talk time, agents on call, 

agent availability, lost call sum, call waiting and the time each agents talked per call, for the call center agents and managers, so they

could analyze the time they should use per call. 


When there are too many calls in queues, hold calls and abandoned calls, managers could use these real-time information to increase 

productivity of all agents, and improve the phone call answering situation, procedure and enhance customer interactions. To avoid the

risk of losing business and customers to your competitors, and maintain business positive reputation and image.

Queue Board Benefits for Call Center
Increase Productivity
With the queue board real-time statistical data, managers and all agents will have a clear understanding of the current calls situation
and each agents' performances, which will increase their productivity. As all the details of the calls they received is recorded and shown
to managers, managers could easily monitor and manage performances and see which agent has the higher or lower performances.    
Improves Customer Service
To display all the call performances and real-time statistical data in the queue board, this will further increases motivation for all agents,
leading to greater productivity. Customer would therefore no longer have to queue for a long period, leading to better customer services,
and creating more satisfied customers.
Improves Staff Efficiency
Queue board allows agents to see when are answered calls too long and should go to the next call in call centre. This is especially useful during peak
hours, so agents could use the shortest time to serve customer with the best service. Managers could base on the statistical data to see
if the current agents matches the peak call volumes. 
Real-time Information for Managers and Supervisors to Monitor and Address Call Traffic Quickly
Managers and supervisors with the queue board real-time information allows them to monitor the whole team easily, and try to make
the intense environment less intense during peak hours. With these statistical numbers, managers can make rapid decisions on how to
address the call traffic problem easily and accurately.
Reduces Abandoned Calls
Before companies without queue boards, they may not know how many abandoned calls they have, but when they have queue board
displaying whether the time the customers is on hold or in queue has exceeded a set level, managers could think of ways to avoid
abandoned calls, like keep customers informed by IVR or offer them a call-back solution, this could retain the unhappy customers. 
Reduces Cost
As call center could be managed more easily with the queue boards' real-time statistical data, therefore less managers are needed
leading to cost reduction. Also managers would have more time to focus on managerial decisions for company's future, reducing the
cost in time.  
Increase Sales
With the real-time information to see how long the customers have waited and how many abandoned calls there is. Managers could
use this information to better improve the phone answering situation during peak hours, so wait time and abandoned calls will decrease,
more happy customers created, which leads to more sales and revenue.
Status When
On Call You are ready to pick up calls if someone is in the queue.
On Break You are not sitting in front of your phone (maybe go out for lunch or toilet).
Offline You will not be picking up any calls (leaving your office).


Queue Group Status
The queue board will show per queue groups' real-time information, so agents and managers will have clear understandings of the current
call situation in call centre, for better management. 
Agents Status 
Agents could easily change their status to online or break. If agents turned their status to break, calls would not be transferred to their
extensions until status turned back to online. This ensures all agents is prepared and ready when they pick up customers' calls, guarantee
excellent customer service.
Calls In Queue
Calls in queue shows call center agents how many customers are in the queue. When all agents are busy on phone, no one can pick up the 
rest of the calls, so these calls will be routed to the queue list, waiting for agents to pick up when they finished their current call. 
Agents can also answer calls by prioritized value. Real-time statistics allow agents to make intelligent decisions when answering calls from
the queue, enabling a quick response to your most valued customers.
Answered Calls
Answered calls tells call center agents that how many customers have been answered. When the calls are answered by the agents, the queue
board will increase the number of answered calls automatically, providing real-time information. Managers could use this data to forecast
the sales rate, agents' productivity and performance, as managers could see how many calls per agents answered. 
Abandoned Calls
Abandoned calls shows how many customers have hung up. Usually when customers are in queue and waited for too long, they will
choose to hang up, and a dissatisfied customer is created. Managers and call center agents should try their best to minimize the number
of abandoned calls. 
Average Hold Time
Average hold time is the average time taken for an agent to answer a call or the time a customer waits in the queue before being answered.
Call agents and managers could base on this real-time information to reduce the handling time per call, to minimize the waiting time of
Average Talk Time
Average talk time is the average amount of time the agent spends communication with the customer. Agents should base on what the
customer need, and decide the talk length, whether the call should end quickly or not. Managers could also supervise agents when they
are talking on the phone for too long.
Agents On Call
Agents on call shows how many agents are currently on phone with customers. If the call center has 80 agents, and 75 agents is on call,
meaning that there are 5 agents left, so there should be no customers on hold. How long has each agents been on call for, and have they
taken any call today is also showed in the queue board. Managers could easily use this information to control the whole call center's
working atmosphere.
Agents Available 
Agent available shows how many agents are currently available to answer customers' calls, which means these agents are not on phone at
that moment. 
The real-time information of agents on call and agent available is often use together. Using the previous example in agents on call, that 5
out of 80 agent is available, when agents know this information, they could handle the calls more relax, but if all agents are on phone, and
there are many calls on hold, agents may need to try to speed up their conversation and end the call. 
Agents available also shows details of the last call take and how many calls each agents had today. Managers could use this information to
do resource allocation. If too many agents are available, agents may be oversupplied. 
Lost Call Sum
Lost call sum shows the percentage of how many calls a queue group has lost. It is a reminder for all agents to speed up their phone
conversation with current clients when the lost call sum percentage is growing higher and higher. To avoid having more and more
dissatisfied customers. If the lost call sum percentage exceeds 50%, managers must have a good review on agents' productivity and
consider training and hiring.
Call Waiting
Queue Board shows real-time call waiting information, which allows agents and managers to see how long the customer hawaited
for agents to pick up their call. Customers call in priorities could alsbe seen. If the customer is in position 1, he or she is the first
onin the list of calls waiting, which means he or she has waited the longest. 
Managers should set a limit of waiting time, if the customer is close to the limit, agents should try to answer the customers as quickly
as they can, to avoid the queues being too long, and too many unhappy customers caused. Allowing managers to manage the whole call
center via the call center management software flexibly.



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